Step 3 - Level of conflict and complexity

The results of step 2 have shown that a more careful assessment is needed for the "name of the case" and that there is likely to be a risk of hatred and intimidation. 

Who makes the assessment in step 3?
Also, in step 3, you should gather several people to contribute their experiences and perspectives. Someone who works on the issue at hand and someone who knows how the media reports and how the conversation is conducted on social media can be of great value to include in such a conversation. 
Reason with each other to see different perspectives and draw on each other's experiences. This is not a question of who is right but rather a question of making a choice based on all existing knowledge. 
If you disagree or are hesitant in your choice of options, preferably choose the option that suggests a higher risk. It is better to overestimate risk than to underestimate it. 

Step-by-step assessment
In step 3, each statement is followed by three alternatives. There are eight statements dealing mainly with the level of conflict and eight dealing with the nature of the issue or the degree of complexity. You have to choose one option for each statement to get a result. 

Part 1. Assessing the level of conflict: select one option per question

The tone of comments on social media is critical, hateful or threatening
Communication with those who are critical of the issue/case occurs
Communication with the general public
Protests regarding the issue/case occur
Hate online or in other forums
Threats online or in another form
Sabotage - physical or any other form occurs
Physical or psychological violence occurs

Part 2. Assessing the level of complexity

Actors with diverse perspectives
Experience of similar issues
The issue is influenced by several other questions
Predictability of the issue
A history of tension, resistance or conflict
Trust in the local authority/region
Activity on social and traditional media